Sunday, December 31, 2006

only good

Cine a săvârşit numai bine în cursul vieţii cugetă la moarte fără nici o teamă


-who made only good in his life thinks death with no fear-

point of view

un punct de vedere poate fi periculos cand e inlocuitorul intelegerii si persipacitatii

Marshall McLuhan

-a point of view can be dangerous luxury when subtituted for insight and understanding-


Sa nu uitam ca spiritul critic este ca si respiratia

T.S. Eliot

-we might remind ourselves that criticism is as inevitable as breathing-


Doi capitani vor scufunda vasul

-two captains will make a sink-

Friday, December 29, 2006


un om curajos formeaza o majoritate

Andrew Jackson

-one man with courage makes a majority-


traieste-ti convingerile si vei putea rasturna lumea


-live your beliefs and you can turn the world around-

read the bible

nu citim Biblia cum este ea , o citim cum suntem noi

Evelyn Uyemura

-we do not read the Bible the way it is , we read it the way we are-

dreams & regrets

tinerii sunt sclavii visurilor, batrinii servitorii regretelor

Nicolae Iorga

-youth are dream`s sclaves and elders are regret`s servants-


sa gresesti este uman, dar ca sa zapacesti de tot lucrurile ai nevoie de un calculator

legile programarii calculatoarelor

-to mistake is human , but to mess it all up you`ll need a computer-

laws of computer programing


nu atribui rautatii ceea ce poate fi explicat prin stupiditate

-don`t blame the evil for what can be made by stupidity-

laws of life

nu crede in miracole , bazeaza-te pe ele

legile universale ale vietii

-don't belive in miracles , count on them-

universal laws of life

no ones fault

nimeni nu-i devina dar toti au participat

Ion Rotaru

-no ones fault , but everyone is involved-

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Ceea ce n-a avut loc niciodată, poate avea loc mâine


-what didn`t happen yet , may happen tomorrow-

(original absent)

to be old

puţini oameni ştiu să fie bătrâni

La Rochefoucauld

-few people know to be "old"-

(original absent)

forgive themselfs

se iartă totul celui care nu-şi iartă nimic


-all is forgiven for thouse who don`t forgive nothing themselfs-

money answers

banii raspund la toate

- money answers all things -

market friend

un prieten in piata face mai mult ca banii din buzunar

- a friend in the market is better than money in the chest -

chain weakness

puterea lantului se masoara prin veriga cea slaba

- the chain is no stronger than its weakest link -


lumanarea (omul) ce lumineaza se si consuma

- a candle lights others and consumes itself -


defectele sunt mari unde dragostea e mica

-the flaws are huge where the love is small-


Dacă tăceai, filosof rămâneai


- If you shut up , you would still be a genius -

("Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses" )


vanitatea vanitatii , vanitatea omenirii

-The vanity of vanity , human vanity -

("vanitas vanitatum , omnia vanitas")


Prietenia nu e un lucru mare , e un milion de lucruri marunte

- Friendship isn't a big thing , it's a million little things -

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


E lesne a ierta , dar greu a uita

- It`s easy to forgive , but hard to forget -


Omul e leu in propria sa cauza

- Man is like a lion in his own belives -


Binele nu face zgomot

- Good things go in silence -


Talentul se faureste in tacere , iar caracterul in valtoarea vietii


- The talent is build in silence , but the character in the struggle of life -

(the original words are not available for the moment in german)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


rabdarea e arta de a spera

- patience is the art of hoping -

Monday, December 18, 2006


There is no best motto , there is no complete motto