Friday, April 6, 2007

like sunshine

Iubirea mangaie ca soarele dupa ploaie.

William Shakespeare

-Love comfortheth like sunshine after rain.-

who love

Cel ce iubeste nu isi va atinge cararile in intuneric.


-He who love touches walks not in darkness.-

God is dwelling

Unde Compasiunea, Iubirea, si Mila traiesc Acolo si Dumnezeu traieste.

William Blake

-Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell There God is dwelling too.-

love is a canavas

Dragostea este o canava (panza tare) faurita de Natura si brodata de imaginatie.


-Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.-

love someone

A iubii pe cineva inseamna sa vezi o minune invizibila pentru altii.

Francois Mauriac

-To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.-

life is a flower

Viata este o floare din care dragostea este mierea.

Victor Hugo

-Life is a flower of which love is the honey.-

food of love

Daca muzica ar fi alimentul iubirii; asculto incontinuare.

William Shakespeare

-If music be the food of love; play on.-

last romance

Barbatii vor sa fie prima dragoste a unei femei - Ce vor (femeile) este sa fie ultima romanta a unui barbat.

Oscar Wilde

-Men always want to be a woman's first love - What (women) like is to be a man's last romance.-

woman`s heart

Cea mai pretioasa posesie a unui barbat din aceasta lume este inima unei femei.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

-The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.-

greatest thing

Cel mai mare lucru pe care il vei invata vreodata este sa iubesti si sa fii iubit.

Nat King Cole

-The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return. [Unforgettable] -

first love

Cum ai putea sa poti explica vreodata in termeni de chimie si fizica acest fenomen biologic important ca prima dragoste?

Albert Einstein

-How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?-

reduction of the Universe

Reducerea universului la o singura persoana, extinderea unei singure persoane pana la Dumnezeu, aceasta este iubirea.

Victor Hugo

-The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being even to God, this is love.-

marry for love

Casatoria din dragoste poate fi putin riscanta, dar este atat de sincera ca Dumnezeu nu se poate abtine sa nu`i zambeasca.

Josh Billings

-Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can't help but smile on it.-

soul itself

Iubirea insasi este o portie de suflet, de aceeasi natura ca si briza cereasca a atmosferei din paradis.

Victor Hugo

-Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.-

time is

Timpul este prea incet pentru cei ce asteapta, prea rapid pentru cei ce se tem, prea lung pentru cei ce sufera, prea scurt pentru cei ce sarbatoresc, dar pentru cei ce iubesc timpul este o eternitate.

Henry Van Dyke

-Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.-

Saturday, March 31, 2007

have love

Daca o ai [iubirea], nu trebuie sa mai ai nimic. Daca nu o ai, nu prea mai conteaza ce mai ai.

Sir James Matthew Barrie

-If you have it [love], you don't need to have anything else. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.-

cannot be lonely

Nu poti sa te simti singur daca iti place persoana cu care esti singur

Dr. Wayne W.

-You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.-

important things

Cele mai importante lucruri sunt cele mai greu de spus, deoarece cuvintele le diminueaza.

Stephen Edwin King

-The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them.-

your soul craw

Iubirea face ca sufletul tau sa se tarasca din ascunzatoare.

Zora Neale Hurston

-Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.-

love is thin

Gresesile sunt groase, un dragostea e subtire.

English Proverb

-Faults are thick where love is thin.-

irresistable love

Iubirea: Irezistibila dorinta de a fi irezistibil dorit.

Mark Twain

-LOVE: The irresistable desire to be irresistibly desired.-

temporary insanity

Iubirea: O nebunie temporara, vindecabila doar prin casatorie. [Jurnalul Diavolului]

Ambrose Bierce

-Love: A temporary insanity, curable by marriage. [The Devil's Dictionary]-

fate binds you

Accepta lucrurile pe care soarta ti le da, si iubeste oamenii pe care ti aduce ea, dar fa acestea cu toata inima.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

-Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you, but do so with all your heart.-

master key

Iubirea este cheia perfecta care deschide portile fericirii.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

-Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.-

my love

Marinimia mea este fara limite ca si o mare, iubirea mea este la fel de adanca. Cu cat iti dau mai mult tie, mai mult ce am, pentru ca amandoua sunt infinite.

William Shakespeare

-My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give thee, the more I have, For both are infinite.-


Dragostea se uita printr-un telescop; Invidia printr-un microscop.

Josh Billings

-Love looks through a telescope; envy through a microscope.-

always young

O inima care iubeste este totdeauna tanara.

Greek Proverb

-A heart that loves is always young.-

some things

Toata lumea stie ca anumite lucruri sunt irealizabile, pana cand vine cineva care nu stie acest lucru si le realizeaza.

Albert Einstein

-Everyone knows that some things are imposible, till some one who doesn`t know comes and makes them.-

beginning of always

Tine minte seara aceasta, pentru ca este inceputul vesniciei.

Dante Alighieri

-Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.-

touch of love

La atingerea iubirii, oricine devine un poet.


-At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.-

falling in love

Gravitatia nu este raspunzatoare pentru indragostirea oamenilor.

Albert Einstein

-Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.-

love is life

Iubirea e viata. Tot, orice inteleg, inteleg doar pentru ca iubesc.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi

-Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love-

greatest refreshment

Dragostea este cea mai mare improspatare in viata.

Pablo Picasso

-Love is the greatest refreshment in life.-


Pune mana pe o soba incinsa pentru un minut, si va fi ca o ora. Stai cu o fata frumoasa pentru o ora, si va fi ca un minut. Aceasta este Relativitatea.

Albert Einstein

-Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.-

duty of love

Prima datorie a dragostei - este sa asculti.

Paul Johannes Tillich

-The first duty of love - is to listen.-

your face

Nu este noapte cand iti vad chipul.

William Shakespeare

-It is not night when I do see your face.-

spiritual fire

Dragostea in esenta sa este foc spiritual.

Emanuel Swedenborg

-Love in its essence is spiritual fire.-

being loved

Cine, fiind iubit, este sarac?

Oscar Wilde

-Who, being loved, is poor?-

the heart can hold

Nimeni nu a masura niciodata, nici macar poetii, cat de multe poate sa suporte o inima.

Zelda Fitzgerald

-Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.-

trully happy

Se spune ca o persoana are nevoie de trei lucruri pentru a fi cu adevarat fericita pe lume: cineva de iubit, ceva de facut, si ceva pentru care sa speri.

Thomas Edward Bodett

-They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.-


Absenta ascute dragostea, prezenta o intareste.

Thomas Fuller

-Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.-

love begins

Adevarata dragoste incepe cand nu se vrea nimic in schimb.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

-True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.-

value of joy

Pentru a te capata toata valoarea a bucuriei trebuie sa ai cu cine sa o imparti.

Mark Twain

-To get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.-

Saturday, March 24, 2007

love is the emblem

Dragostea este emblema a eternitatii; amesteca toate notiunile de timp; eclipseaza toate amintire despre inceput, toate temerile despre un sfarsit.

Madame De Stael

-Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.-

durable fire

Dar iubirea adevarata este un foc durabil, in mintea noastra tot timpul arzand, niciodata bolnava, niciodata batrana, niciodata moarta, din ea niciodata revenind.

Sir Walter Raleigh

-But true love is a durable fire, in the mind ever burning, never sick, never old, never dead, from itself never turning.-

we love life

Adevarat - iubim viata, nu pentru ca suntem obisnuiti sa traim, ci pentru ca suntem obisnuiti sa iubim. Este tot timpul putina nebunie in iubire, dar si tot timpul exista un motiv in nebunie.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

-True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness.-

love to love

Iubirea este acordata ca un dar - liber, din dorinta, fara asteptare - Nu iubim pentru a fi iubit; noi iubim sa iubim.

Leo F. Buscaglia

-Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly, and without expectation - We don't love to be loved; we love to love.-

tender look

Iubirea este o dovada de iertare fara sfarsit, o privire tandra care devine un obicei.

Peter Ustinov

-Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.-

worry about love

Am invatat sa nu ma ingrijorez pentru iubire; Ci sa onorez venirea ei cu toata inima.

Alice Walker

-I have learned not to worry about love; But to honor its coming with all my heart.-

what love is

Daca stiu ce este dragostea, stiu datorita tie.

Hermann Hesse

-If I know what love is, it is because of you.-

unpathed waters

Catre ape necunoscute, tarmuri nevisate.

William Shakepeare

-To unpathed waters, undreamed shores.-

text of our lives

Orele cand suntem treji sunt textul vietii noastre, visele noastre, sunt comentariu.

-Our waking hours form the text of our lives, our dreams, the commentary.-

dream yourself

Nu poti sa te visezi un altfel de om: trebuie sa te fortezi si modelezi.

Henry D. Thoreau

-You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one.-

end of wisdom

Baza intelepciunii este sa visezi destul de mult incat sa nu iti pierzi visul in cautarea lui.

William Faulkner

-The end of wisdom is to dream high enough not to lose the dream in the seeking of it.-

dreams of the future

Imi plac visele despre viitor mai mult decat istoria trecutului.

Patrick Henry

-I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.-

truest life

Viata noastra adevarata este atunci cand suntem treji in vise.

Henry David Thoreau

-Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.-

your dreams

Urmeaza-ti cu incredere visele. Traieste viata pe care ti-ai imaginato.

Henry David Thoreau

-Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.-

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

joy & sorrow

Paharul fericirii noastre este scos din fantana durerii noastre.

Kahlil Gibran

-The cup of our joy is drawn from the well of our sorrow.-

need to be

Nu poti devenii ceea ce trebuie sa devii ramanand ceea ce esti.

-You cannot become what you need to be by remaining what you are.-

walking distance

Orice distanta poate fi mearsa daca ai timp.

Stephen Wright

-Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.-

index character

Cea mai buna analiza asupra caraterului unei persoane este cum trateaza oamenii ca nu il pot ajuta cu nimic si cum trateaza oamenii care nu se pot apara.

Abigail Van Buren

-The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.-

supreme excellence

In caracter, in maniere, in stil, in toate lucrurile, excelenta suprema este simplitatea.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

-In character, in manners, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.-

excellent command

Des se doveste a fi o comanda excelenta a nu spune nimic.

Karol Newlin

-It often shows an excellent command of language to say nothing.-

love all

Iubeste-i pe toti, ai incredere in cativa, greseste nimanui.


-Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.-

lies within us

Ceea ce este in spatele nostru si ceea ce este in fata noastra sunt lucruri mici comparate cu ce este in noi.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

-What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.-

difficult thing

Cel mai dificil lucru din lume este sa stii cum sa faci un lucru si sa te uiti cum altcineva il face gresit fara sa faci comentari.

Theodore H. White

-The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else do it wrong without comment.-

without a fault

Este bine ca nu este nimeni fara nici o pata; pentru ca nu ar avea prieteni deloc.

William Hazlitt

-It is well that there is no one without a fault; for he would not have a friend in the world.-

who asks

Cel ce intreaba este prost pentru cinci minute. Cel ce nu intreaba este prost vesnic.

Chinese proverb

-He who asks is a fool for five minutes. He who doesn't ask is a fool forever.-

words of our enemies

La sfarsit, nu o sa ne amintim cuvintele dusmaniilor, ci tacerea prietenilor.

Martin Luther King, Jr

-In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.-

always doing

Eu intotdeauna fac ceea ce nu pot sa fac, pentru ca poate as invata cum sa o fac.


-I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.-

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

love is what

Dragostea nu face Pamantul sa se invarta. Dragostea este pentru ceea ce se merita calatoria.

Franklin P. Jones

-Love doesn't make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.-

come to love

Nu ajungi la dragoste prin a gasii persoana perfecta, ci prin a gasii o persoana imperfecta perfecta.

Sam Keen

-You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.-

instinct of heart

Nu exista un instinct la fel ca cel al inimii.

Lord Byron

-There is no instinct like that of the heart.-

symptom of love

Cea mai puternica simptoma a dragostei este tandretea care devine uneori aproape insuportabila.

Victor Hugo

-The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable.-

love consists

Dragostea nu consta in a ne urmarii unii pe altii ci in a ne uita impreuna in aceeasi directie.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

-Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction.-


Romantismul a fost definit in mod elegant ca urmasul fictiunii si al dragostei.

Benjamin Disraeli

-Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love.-

man`s life

Cel mai bun lucru din viata unui om, acele mici, neinsemnate, uitate fapte, de dragoste si bunatate.

William Wordsworth

-The best portion of a good man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts,
of kindness and of love.-

being unwanted

Singuratatea si sentimentul ca esti nedorit este cel mai groaznic.

Mother Teresa : Maica Tereza

-Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible.-

Monday, March 19, 2007

room for God

Nu este loc pentru Dumnezeu in cel ce este plin de sine.

Martin Buber

-There is no room for God in him who is full of himself.-

humility & resistance

Umilinta inseamna a nu opune rezistenta in "afacerile" Domnului cu noi.

Chip Brogden

-Humility is offering no resistance to the dealings of the Lord with us.-

humility is

Umilinta nu este decat o judecata corecta asupra noastra insasi.

William Law

-Humility is nothing else but a right judgment of ourselves.-

hypocrites transition

Intr-un sens toti suntem ipocriti in tranzitie.

Erwin McManus

-In some sense we are all hypocrites in transition.-


Dovada de maturitate spirituala nu este cat de pur esti ci cat de constient este de impurtite. Aceasta constienta deschide usa spre binecuvantare.

Phillip Yancey

-The proof of spiritual maturity is not how pure you are but awareness of your impurity. That very awareness opens the door to grace.-

think well

Vrei ca oamenii sa te vorbeasca de bine? Nu te vorbii tu de bine.

Blaise Pascal

-Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.-

wish to rise

Vrei sa cresti? Incepe prin a cobora. Planuiesti un turn care va strapunge norii? Pune intai fundatia umilirii.

Saint Augustine : Sf. Augustin

-Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.-

God descends

Dumnezeu coboara in modestie asa cum apele coboara din deal in vale.


-God descends to the humble as waters flow down from the hills into the valleys.-

spiritual progress

Am invatat ca marea parte a progresului meu spiritual nu vine direct de la Dumnezeu, ci prin abilitatea mea de a ma smerii si a-L asculta pe El vorbind prin oameni imperfecti.

Francis Frangipane

-I have learned that much of my spiritual progress does not come directly from God, but through my ability to humble myself and hear Him speak through imperfect people.-


O lumanare nu isi pierde din lumina daca lumineaza o alta.

Fr. James Keller

-A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.-

be somebody

Maretia nu sta in a incerca sa fii cineva ci in a incerca sa ajuti pe cineva.

-Greatness lies not in trying to be somebody but in trying to help somebody.-

good manners

Testul bunelor maniere este sa fi rabdator cu cele proaste.


-The test of good manners is to be patient with bad ones.-

great and noble task

Eu urmaresc sa realizez un lucru mare si nobil; dar sarcina mea primordiala este sa realizez lucru mici ca si cum ar fi mari si nobile.

Helen Keller

-I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but my chief duty is to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble -


Simplitatea este natura mariilor suflete.

Papa Ramadas

-Simplicity is the nature of great souls.-


Un om poate imita dragostea, poate imita increderea, poate imita speranta si toate celalalte binecuvantari, dar este foarte greu sa imiti umilirea.

D. L. Moody

-A man can counterfeit love, he can counterfeit faith, he can counterfeit hope and all the other graces, but it is very difficult to counterfeit humility.-

look strong

Crezi ca arati puternic pentru ca poti sa rezisti, dar puterea sta in a ceda.

-You think you look strong because you can hold on, but strength lies in letting go.-


Dragostea inseamna acceptare, nu asteptare.

-Love is accepting, not expecting.-

love & be loved

Cel mai bun lucru pe care il vei invata este sa iubesti si sa fii iubit.

-The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.-

forgive and forget

Ei spun iarta si uita, dar daca cineva merita iertare atunci nu il vei uita.

-They say forgive and forget, but if someone is worth forgiving then you'll never forget them.-

true friend

Un prieten adevarat este cel care vrea sa-ti dea o mana de ajutor si de fapt iti ajunge pana la inima.

-A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.-

love not because

Nu te iubesc pentru cine esti, te iubesc pentru cine sunt cand sunt cu tine.

-I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.-

to the world

Pentru lume esti doar o persoana, dar pentru o persoane poti sa fii lumea.

-To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.-

Sunday, March 18, 2007

like crystal

Unii oameni sunt de cristal. Frumosi la vedere, dar poti sa si vezi prin ei.

-Some people are like crystal. Pretty to look at, but you can see right through them.-

the way to love

Cel mai bun mod de a iubii, este sa realizezi ca poate fi pierdut.

-The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost.-

government of the U.S

Adevaratul gol golut despre problema este, asa cum stiti si dumneavoastra, ca elementul financiar din marile centre a detinut guvernarea S.U.A inca din zilele lui Andrew Jackson

Franklin D. Roosevelt

-The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.-

test of sistems

Testul suprem al fiecarui sistem religios, politic sau educational este omul pe care il formeaza.

Henri-Frédéric Amiel

-The test of every religious, political, or educational system is the man that it forms.-

get power

Pentru a obtine si a detine puterea, este necesar sa o iubesti; dar a iubii puterea nu are legatura cu binele ci cu calitatile opuse binelui, cele ca mandrie, viclenie si cruzime.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi

-In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness but with qualities that are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning and cruelty.-


Experienta si istoria ne invata - ca oamenii si guvernele nu au invatat nimic din istorie , sau au actionat in principiile deduse de ea.

Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

-What experience and history teach is this -- that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.-

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

true friendship

Adevarata prietenie vine cand tacerea dintre doi oameni este confortabila.

Dave Tyson Gentry

-True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.-

best friends listen

Toata lumea asculta ce spui.Prietenii asculta ce spui. Cei mai buni prieteni asculta si ceea ce nu spui.

-Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.-

friend is a person

Un prieten este o persoana cu care pot sa fiu sincer.In fata lui pot sa gandesc cu voce tare.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

-A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud.-

making of friends

Facerea prietenilor , a celor adevarati , este cea mai buna dovada de succes in viata a unui om.

Edward Everett Hale

-The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life.-

multitude of friends

Fericirea adevarata nu sta in multitudinea de prieteni , ci in valoarea si alegerea lor.

Samuel Johnston

-True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.-

Liberty can not

Libertatea nu poate fi pastrata fara cunostiinte generale despre oameni.

John Adams

-Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people.-

freedom is the right

Liberatea este dreptul de a spune oamenilor ceea ce nu vor sa auda.

George Orwell

-Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.-

Essential Liberty

Cei ce isi vor da Libertatea Esentiala in schimbul unei Sigurante Temporare nu merita nici Libertate si nici Siguranta.

Benjamin Franklin

-Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.-

average man

Omul mediocru nu vrea sa fie liber. El doar vrea sa fie in siguranta.

H.L. Mencken

-The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.-


Libertatea nu este gratis.

-Freedom isn't free.-

Monday, January 22, 2007


Mintile sunt ca parasutele.Functioneaza doar cand sunt deschise.

-Minds are just like parachute.It works only when it`s open.-

Sunday, January 21, 2007

many big lies

In lume sunt multe minuni mari, dar nu mai mari ca omul.


-There are many big lies in the world , but not as big as the human.-

Any human

Fiecare om este un mister si o taina.

Charles Dickens

-Any human is a mistery and an arcanum-

Thursday, January 18, 2007

final form of love

Iertarea este forma finala a dragostei.

Reinhold Niebuhr

-Forgiveness is the final form of love.-

two good forgivers

O casatorie este o uniune intre doi buni iertatori.

Robert Quillen

-A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.-

forgiveness is choosing

Iertarea inseamna a iubi.Este indemanarea de ati da siesi dragoste.

Mahatma Gandhi

-Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.-

glory of Christianity

Gloria crestinitatii este sa cucereasca prin iertare.

William Blake

-The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.-

err & forgive

A gresi este uman; a ierta este divin.

Alexander Pope

-To err is human; to forgive, divine-

forgive your enemies

Intotdeauna sa iti ierti dusmanii -- nimic nu-i enerveaza mai mult.

Oscar Wilde

-Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much.-

no revenge

Nu exista o razbunare mai mare ca iertarea.

Josh Billings

-There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.-

destroying my enemies

Nu imi distrug dusmanii cand mi-i fac prieteni?

Abraham Lincoln

-Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?-

forgiveness is ..

Iertarea este renuntarea la dreptul meu de a te rani pentru ca m-ai ranit.

-Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.-

social faults

Nu le spune prietenilor probleme lor sociale; le vor rezolva dar nu o sa te ierte niciodata.

Logan Pearsall Smith

-Don't tell friends their social faults; they will cure the fault and never forgive you.-


Greselile sunt des iertate , dar neascultarea nu este niciodata.Mandria noastra isi aminteste de fiecare data.

Lord Chesterfield

-Wrongs are often forgiven, but contempt never is. Our pride remembers it forever.-

forgive an enemy

Este mai usor sa ierti un dusman decat sa ierti un prieten.

William Blake

-It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.-

forgive too freely

Ceea ce iertam prea usor nu va ramane iertat.

Mignon McLaughlin

-What we forgive too freely doesn't stay forgiven-

forgiveness has begun

Vei stii ca iertarea a inceput cand iti vei aminti pe cei care te-au ranit si vei avea puterea sa le doresti bine.

Lewis B. Smedes

-You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well.-


Iertarea este un lucru ciudat. Incalzeste inima si raceste durerea (arzatoare).

William A. Ward

-Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting.-

forgiveness is

Iertarea este renuntarea la posibilitatea unui trecut mai bun.

-Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.-


Ofensatorul nu se scuza niciodata.

George Herbert

-The offender never pardons.-

to forgive

A ierta inseamna sa eliberezi un prizonier si sa descoperi ca acel prizonier ai fost tu.

-To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.-

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

thinking about power

Este aproape imposibil in timpurile noastre sa ne gandim la dragoste , sex , intimitate sau casatorie fara sa ne gandim la putere.

Michael Vincent Miller

-It`s almost impossible in our times to think about love , sex , intimacy , or marriage without thinking about power.-

Saturday, January 13, 2007

mutually pardon

Suntem plini de slabiciuni si erori; hai sa ne scuzam unii pe altii pentru prostiile noastre.


-We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies.-

pardon all

Cunoastei pe toti si ii vei scuza pe toti.

Thomas A’Kempis

-Know all and you will pardon all.-

weak can never forgive

Cei slabi nu pot sa ierte niciodata. Iertarea este un atribut pentru cei puternici.

Mahatma Gandhi

-The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.-

Friday, January 12, 2007

harmony & victory

Unde este armonie, este şi victorie.

-Where is harmony is also victory.-

("Ubi concordia, ibi victoria")

Tabula rasa

A nimici totul.

-To destroy all.-

("Tabula rasa ")

First experience

Mai întâi trăieşte şi pe urmă filozofează.

-First experience and then philosophize.-

("Primum vivere, deinde philosophari")

Peace is better

Pacea e mai bună decât cel mai just război.

-Peace is better than the most right war.-

("Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum")

Man is the measure

Omul este măsura tuturor lucrurilor.

-Man is the measure for all.-

("Omnium rerum homo mensura est")


Medicina este cea mai nobilă artă.

-Medicine is the most noble art.-

("Omnium artium medicina nobilissima est")

Love beats all

Iubirea învinge orice.


-Love beats all.-

("Omnia vincit amor (et nos cedamus amori)")

haven`t loved

Nu am iubit, chiar dacă am învăţat să iubesc.

-I haven`t loved , even thou I learned to love.-

("Nondum amabam, et amare amabam")


Justiţia este arta binelui şi dreptăţii.

-Justice is the art of good and right.-

("Jus est art boni et aequi")

Man is a wolfe

Omul este un lup pentru om.


-Man is a wolfe for man.-

("Homo homini lupus est.")

Hurry slowly!

Grăbeşte-te încet!

-Hurry slowly!-

("Festina lente")

knows the hidden cause

Fericit cel ce poate cunoaşte cauza (ascunsă) a lucrurilor.


-happy the one who knows the hidden cause of things.-

("Felix, cui potuit rerum cognoscere causas")

Experience is

Experienţa este în toate lucrurile cel mai bun învăţător.

-Experience is in all things the best teacher.-

("Experientia est optima rerum magistra")

exception confirms

Excepţia confirmă regula.

-the exception confirms the rule.-

("Exceptio confirmat regulam")

rather be

Prefer să fiu decât să par.

-I`d rather be than appear.-

("Esse quam videri malim")

Divide and rule

Dezbina şi stăpâneşte.

-Divide and rule.-

("Divide ut regnes" or "Divide et impera")

Tastes and colors

Gusturile şi culorile nu se discută.


-Tastes and colors aren`t a dispute.-

("De gustibus et coloribus, non disputandum")


Fericit este cel care se face util prin ajutorul dat.

-Happy is the one that is useful with his help.-

("Beatus, qui prodest, quibus potest")

strained bow

Arcul prea încordat se rupe.

-The too strained bow breaks.-

("Arcus nimium tensus rumpitur")

Destiny favours

Soarta favorizează pe îndrăzneţi.


-Destiny favours the daring ones.-

("Audaces, fortuna juvat")

Nature made

Pe om îl creează natura, dar îl educă şi îl dezvoltă societatea.

-Nature made the human , the education and improvement are made by the society.-

fools mouth

În gura nebunului este o nuia pentru mândria lui, dar pe înţelepţi îi păzesc
buzele lor.


-In the fools mouth is a rod for his pride , but the wise are defended by their lips.-

bad soil

Un sol rău cade în nenorocire, dar un sol credincios aduce tămăduire.


-A bad soil falls in misfourtune , but a faithful soil brings heal.-

wise man preach

Învăţătura înţeleptului este un izvor de viaţă, ca să abată pe om din
cursele morţii


-The wise man preach is a spring of life , to drive away the man from the death traps.-

path to innocence

Pe cărarea neprihănirii este viaţa, şi pe drumul însemnat de ea nu este


-On the path to innocence is life and on the road marked by her there is no death.-

innocent shows

Cel neprihănit arată prietenului său calea cea bună, dar calea celor răi îi
duce în rătăcire.


-The innocent shows his friend the best path , but the path of bad man takes them to wandering-

human strenght

Omul nu se întăreşte prin răutate, dar rădăcina celor neprihăniţi nu se va


-Human doesn`t get strenght through evil , but the root of thouse innocent will not shake.-

loves science

Cine iubeşte certarea, iubeşte ştiinţa; dar cine urăşte mustrarea, este


-Who loves argueing , loves science ; but who hates wigging , is a fool-

life & work

Este greu sa stapanesti si viata si munca la fel de bine.

Joseph Brodsky

-It is hard to master both life and work equally well.-

have something to say

Jumatate din lume este alcatuita din oameni care au ceva de zis dar nu pot, si cealalta jumatate are oameni care nu au nimic de zis dar continua sa vorbeasca.

Robert Frost

-Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.-

man speaks

Discursul este oglinda sufletului; asa cum un om vorbeste , asa si este.

Publilius Syrus

-Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is.-

abundance of the heart

Din abundenta inimii vorbeste gura.

Jesus Christ

-Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.-


Ai grija cu gandurile tale; ele pot sa devina cuvinte in orice moment.

Ira Gassen

-Be careful of your thoughts; they may become words at any moment.-

word & thought

Nici un om nu vorbeste serios in tot ceea ce spune , si totusi foarte putini vorbesc ceea ce gandesc , pentru ca cuvintele sunt alunescoase iar gandurile sunt vicioase.

Henry B. Adams

-No man means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.-

talk & speak

A discuta si a discuta bine sunt doua lucruri. Un prost poate sa vorbeasca , dar numai un intelept poate discute.

Ben Jonson

-To speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.-

words have more power

Manuitile cu grija , cuvintele au putere mai mare decat bombele atomice.

Pearl Strachan

-Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.-

Wise men talk

Oamenii intelepti vorbesc pentru ca au ceva de zis , prostii vorbesc pentru ca sa zica ceva.


-Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.-

praise or criticism

Nu poti sa lasi mandria sau critica sa te prinda. Reprezinta o slabiciune sa fii prins intr-una dintre ele.

John Wooden

-You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.-

heart acquires strength

Daca inima ta aduna putere , vei putea fi capabil sa scoti petele de la ceilalti fara sa te gandesti la ei cu rau.

Mohandas K. Gandhi

-If your heart acquires strength, you will be able to remove blemishes from others without thinking evil of them.-

criticism is necessary

Criticismul s-ar putea sa nu fie placut , dar este necesar.Implineste aceeasi functie ca si durerea in corpul uman.Atrage atentia la lucrurile de stat nesanatoase.

Winston Churchill

-Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.-

avoid criticism

Pentru a evita criticile nu face nimic , nu zice nimic , fi un nimic.

Elbert Hubbard

-To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.-

Thursday, January 11, 2007

attention to your enemies

Fii atent la inamicii tai , pentru ca ei vor fi primii care iti vor descoperii greselile


-Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.-

to belittle

A fi un depreciator inseamna a fi mic

-To belittle is to be little.-

right to criticize

Are dreptul sa critice cel ce are inima sa ajute.

Abraham Lincoln

-He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.-

lie that flatters

Inghitim lacomi orice minciuna care ne flateaza , dar sorbim doar putin cate putin adevarul amar.

Denis Diderot

-We swallow greedily any us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter.-


Corectia face multe , dar incurajarea face si mai multe.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

-Correction does much, but encouragement does more.-

Blame-all and Praise-all

"mustreaza-i pe toti" si "glorifica-i pe toti" sunt doi natangi

Benjamin Franklin

-Blame-all and Praise-all are two blockheads.-

word of encouragement

Un cuvant de incurajare in timpul unui esec valoreaza mai mult decat o ora de glorie dupa un succes.

-A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success-

treat people

Trateaza oamenii ca si cum ar fi ceea ce ar vrea sa fie si ii vei ajuta sa devina ce sunt capabili sa fie.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

-Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.-

praise insincerely

Laudarea este o apreciere falsa data cu un anumit interes.

Henry Ward Beecher

-Flattery is praise insincerely given for an interested purpose.-

flattery than praise

Este mai usor si mai la indemana pentru oameni sa se laude decat sa se glorifice.

Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

-It is easier and handier for men to flattery than to praise.-

Flattery is ..

Laudarosenia este ca banii falsi care , in afara de vanitate , nu ar avea cum sa circule.

François de la Rochefoucauld

-Flattery is a counterfeit money which, but for vanity, would have no circulation.-

Flattery is

Flatarea este sa ii spui unei alte persoane exact ceea ce crede despre el.

Dale Carnegie

-Flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.-

Love can transpose

Lucrurile josnice si fara valoare , neavand cantitate ,
Dragostea poate sa le transpuna in forma si demnitate.
Dragostea se vede nu cu ochiul ,
Ci cu mintea si de aceea i-a facut cu ochiul lui Cupid , orbul colorat

William Shakespeare

-Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity.
Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.-

Sermon on the Mount

Am apucat misterul atomului si am respins Predica de pe Munte.

Willa Cather

-We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.-

doctor recommends

Fiecare persoana cu varsta peste 60 de ani care bea spune ca doctorul i-a recomandat

Bob Smith

-Every person over age sixty-five who drinks says that his doctor recommends it.-

keep the faith

Pastreazati credinta , dar nu pentru tine

-Keep the faith , but not to yourself! -

human happiness

Totul în această viaţă arată că fericirea pământească este destinată să fie doar o amăgire.

Arthur Schopenhauer

-Everything in this life shows that human happiness is predestinated to be only a deception-

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

faith is confindence

Credinta este increderea deliberate in caracterul lui Dumnezeu ale carui caii nu le putem intelege la acel timp

Oswald Chambers

-Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.-

God always answers

Dumnezeu raspunde in totdeauna in profunzimea , niciodata in superficialitatea sufletului nostru

-God always answers in the deeps, never in the shallows of our soul-

wise man`s questions

Intrebarile unui om intelept contin jumatate din raspuns


-A wise man's questions contain half the answer.-

unsolved in your heart

Fi rabdator cu tot ce este ne deslusit in inima ta.Si incearca sa iubesti intrebarile in sine

Rainer Maria Rilke

-Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves.-

faith embraces

Credinta imbratiseaza multe adevaruri care par sa se contrazica

Blaise Pascal

-Faith embraces many truths which seem to contradict each other.-

God`s plan

Uneori Dumnezeu nu ne spune planul Sau pentru nu l`am crede oricum.

Carlton Pearson

-Sometimes God doesn't tell us His plan because we wouldn't believe it anyway.-


Crestinismul nu e un mesaj care trebuie crezut , e o experienta de credinta care devine un mesaj

Edward Schillebeeckx

-Christianity is not a message which has to be believed, but an experience of faith that becomes a message.-

faith & belief

Credinta e mai buna decat religia. Religia este gandita de altcineva

R. Buckminster Fuller

-Faith is much better than belief. Belief is when someone else does the thinking.-

belief is reassuring

Credinta este o reasigurare. Oamenii ce traiesc in lumea credintei se simt in siguranta. Din contra , credinta ne pune mereu pe muchie de cutit.

Jacques Ellul

-Belief is reassuring. People who live in the world of belief feel safe. On the contrary, faith is forever placing us on the razor's edge.-

believe your beliefs

Crede in credintele tale si indoiestete de indoielile tale

F.F. Bosworth

-Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts.-

really believe

Putini chiar cred. Cei mai multi doar cred ca ei cred sau chiar se fac ca cred

Napoleon Bonaparte

-Few really believe. The most only believe that they believe or even make believe.-

it`s hard to believe

Este atat de greu sa credem pentru ca este atat de greu sa ascultam

Soren Kierkegaard

-It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey.-

who believes

Doar cel ce crede este ascultator. Doar ce este ascultator , crede

Deitrich Bonhoeffer

-Only he who believes is obedient. Only he who is obedient, believes-

choose to belive

Credem in ceea ce vrem. Dar raspundem pentru ceea ce am ales sa credem

John Henry Newman

-We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.-

ignorance breeds fear

Neintelegerea nascuta din ignoranta sadeste frica , iar frica ramane cel mai mare inamic al pacii

Lester B. Pearson

-Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear, and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.-

born believing

Ne-am nascut crezand. Un om suporta credintele asa cum un pom suporta merele

Ralph Waldo Emerson

-We are born believing. A man bears beliefs, as a tree bears apples.-

Man is

Omul este ceea ce crede

Anton Pavlov Cehov

-Man is what he believes-

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

future and destiny

in timp ce toata lumea are un viitor , doar anumiti oameni au un destin

Alberto Villoldo

-While everyone has a future, only certain people have a destiny.-

what you belive

tine minte ca ceea ce crezi va depinde mult de ceea ce esti

Noah Porter

-Remember that what you believe will depend very much on what you are.-

faith & panic

credinta este refuzul de a panica

David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

-Faith is the refusal to panic.-


un miracol nu este o suspensie a legii naturii, ci o actiune a unei legi mai inalte

-A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law.-

faith belive

credinta este ca sa credem ceea ce nu vedem , iar recompensa acestei credinte este sa vedem ceea ce credem


-Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.-

faith is the master

credinta este stapanul, iar motivul este servitorul

Martin Luther

-Faith is the master, and reason the maid-servant.-

doubt is absurd

Indoiala nu este o conditie placuta , dar in mod sigur este absurda


-Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. –

doubt & faith

Indoiala nu este opusul credintei; este un element al credintei.

Paul Tillich

-Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith. -

dull man

omul prost este tot timpul sigur , iar omul sigur este tot timpul prost

H. L. Mencken

-It is the dull man who is always sure, and the sure man who is always dull. -

wisemen problem

problema celor intelepti este ca sunt plini de indoieli in timp cei prosti sunt atat de siguri

Bertrand Russell

-The problem with the wise is they are so filled with doubts while the dull are so certain.-

belive Jesus Christ

Nu ca copil am crezut si am ascultat de Iisus Hristos. Osana mea s-a nascut dintr-un furnal de indoieli.

Fyodor Dostoyevski

-It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.-

faith and proof

Credinta e diferita de dovada; cea din urma e umana , cea dintai e un Cadou de la Dumnezeu

Blaise Pascal

-Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God. -

thousand scriptures

Cand esti indus in eroare , nici o mie de carti de scriptura nu sunt de ajuns. Cand ai realizat intelegerea ; chiar si un cuvant e prea mult

Fen. Yang

-When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realized understanding; even one word is too much. -

maturity comes

maturitatea nu vine cu varsta ; vine cu acceptarea responsabilitatii

Ed Cole

-Maturity doesn't come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility. -


cel ce este credincios in putin o sa fie credincios in mult.

Jesus Christ

-He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. -

life & courage

viata se micsoreaza si se mareste proportional cu al fiecaruia curaj

Anais Nin

-Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. –

man measure

ultima masurare a unui om nu se face atunci cand sta in momente de confort si comoditate , ci in momente de incercare si controverse.

Martin Luther King Jr

-The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -


imi inchipui un erou ca fiind cineva care intelege gradul de responsabilitate care vine odata cu libertatea sa.

Bob Dylan

-I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. -

evil triumphs

raul triumfa cand oamenii buni nu fac nimic

Edmund Burke

-Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. -

greatest mistake

cea mai mare greseala in viata este sa te temi continuu ca vei face una

Elbert Hubbard

-The greatest mistake in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one. –

all progress

tot progresul a rezultat din oameni care au luat pozitii neobisnuite

Adlai E. Stevenson

-All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions.-

the bravest

cei mai bravi sunt bineinteles aceia care au cea mai clara vedere asupra viitorului , glorie si pericol de asemenea , si totusi fara sa stea , ies afara sa`l intalneasca.


-But the bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them,glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it. -

no obstacles

daca gasesti un drum fara obstacole , probabil ca nu duce nicaieri

-If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t go anywhere.-


Frica vine din natura Adamica-credinta vine din natura Dumnezeiasca

Jacquelyn K. Heasley

-Fear comes from the Adamic nature—faith comes from the Christ nature-

touch of genius

orice bufon inteligent poate sa faca lucrurile mai mari , mai complexe si mai violente.Este nevoie de atingerea unui geniu - si de mult curaj - ca sa te misti in directia opusa

E. F. Schumacher

-Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.-


tacerea este cel mai apropiat aliat al raului

Gary Amirault

-Silence is evil's closest ally.-

courage is fear

curajul este frica care si-a zis rugaciunile

-Courage is fear that has said its prayers-

afraid of light

putem usor sa iertam un copil caruia ii este frica de intuneric; adevarata tragedie a vietii este atunci cand oamenii se sperie de lumina


-We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. –


o anumita cantitate de opozitie este un ajutor mare pentru un om. Zmeele se ridica impotriva , nu in sensul vantului

John Neal

-A certain amount of opposition is great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with the wind. -

traitor doubts

indoielile noastre sunt tradatoare, si ne fac sa pierdem lucrurile bune pe care altfel le-am fi castigat , fiindune frica sa incercam

William Shakespeare

-Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt-

be the change

trebuie sa fii schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in lume


-You must be the change you wish to see in the world.-

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Nu inceta niciodata sa zambesti, nici chiar atunci cand esti trist, pentru ca nu se stie cine se poate indragosti de zambetul tau.

G. J. G. Marquez

-don`t stop smilling not even when you are sad , becouse you never know when someone can fall in love for your smille-

smart man

cand stai de vorba cu un om destept,de fapt vorbesti singur

-when you talk to a smart man , you are speaking to yourself-

do big things

Ca să faci lucruri mari nu trebuie să fii un mare geniu, nu trebuie să fii deasupra oamenilor; trebuie să fii cu ei


-to do big things you don`t have to be a genius , you don`t have to be above men , you just have to be with them-


Un vultur poate cobora mai jos decat gaina, dar o gaină nu se poate urca pana la nori.

A. P. Cehov

-an eagle can fly lower than the chicken , but a chicken can`t fly to the clouds-


Fereste-te deopotriva de prietenia dusmanului si de dusmania prietenului.

Nicolae Iorga

-beware yourself from your enemy`s friendship and you friends grudge-

conscience agreement

Unii îşi pun faptele de acord cu conştiinţa. Alţii, cei mai mulţi, îşi pun conştiinţa de acord cu faptele.

Camil Petrescu

-some put their actions in agreement with their conscience. Other , most of them , put their conscience in agreement with the actions-

wise man talk

O conversaţie cu un om întelept valorează mai mult decât studierea unor cărţi deosebite timp de o lună.

-a talk with a wise man worths more then the study of some special books for more than a month-

talk more

Cu cat omul gandeste mai putin cu atat vorbeste mai mult.


-as much as the man thinks lesser he talks more-


Pentru a avea succes e nevoie să ai prieteni, pentru a avea un mare succes însă, e nevoie de duşmani.

Frank Sinatra

-to have succes it takes to have friends , to have a big succes it takes to have enemies-

God wants

Când Dumnezeu vrea să facă un lucru frumos, începe cu o dificultate. Dacă vrea să facă un lucru extraordinar, începe cu o imposibilitate.

Charles Inwood

-when God wants to do something beautifull , He starts with a difficulty. If he wants to do something extraordinary , He begins with a imposibility-


Dacă cea mai mare nevoie a noastră ar fi fost informaţia, Dumnezeu ne-ar fi trimis un pedagog. Dacă ar fi fost tehnologia, Dumnezeu ne-ar fi trimis un om de ştiinţă.Dacă ar fi fost banii, Dumnezeu ne-ar fi trimis un economist. Dar, pentru că cea mai mare nevoie este iertarea, Dumnezeu ne-a trimis un Mântuitor.

Roy Lessin

-If our biggest need would have been information , God would have sent a teacher.If it would have been tehnology , God would have sent a science man. If would have been money , God would have sent an economist.But becouse our biggest need is forgiveness , God sent us a Saviour-

God exists

Daca Dumnezeu nu exista si tu crezi ca exista, atunci nu ai pierdut nimic, dar daca Dumnezeu exista si tu crezi ca nu exista, ai pierdut totul.

Blaise Pascal

-If God doesn`t exists and you belive He does , you don`t lose a thing , but if He does exists and you think He doesn`t , then you lose all.-

history teach

Istoria ne invata ca oamenii nu invata niciodata nimic din istorie

George Bernard Show

-history teaches us that people don`t learn anything from history-

life with Jesus

Viaţa cu Domnul Isus este o speranţă fără sfârşit. Viaţa fără El, e un sfârşit fără speranţă!

Charles Spurgeon

-life with Jesus is a endless hope. Life without Him is a hopeless end!-


Din două rele nu alege nici una!

Charles Spurgeon

-out of two bads don`t pick any-


Profesionalism înseamnă să ştii cum să faci, când să faci şi ... să faci!

-profesionalism means to know how to do it , when to do it and do it!-

i`m right

A dovedi ca am dreptate, ar insemna sa fiu de acord ca s-ar putea sa ma insel.


-to prove that i`m right , would mean to agree that i might be wrong-

heart guide

inima inteleptului ii ghideaza deciziile gindirii; nebunul ia o decizie, iar inima se taraie dupa el

-wiseman`s heart guides his decisions , mad man takes a decision and drags his heart after him-

blind man

Dacă un om este orb nu este şi invizibil.

Francis Bacon

-if a man is blind is not invisible too-

mistake persists

Orice om poate greşi, dar numai nebunul stăruie în greşeală.


-any man can mistake , but only a insane one will persist in it-

Saturday, January 6, 2007

friend of your friend

Prietenul tau are un prieten, iar acel prieten al prietenului tau
are si el un prieten, asa ca fii discret.


-your friend has a friend , and that friend of your friend has also a friend , so be discreet-

step of triumph

Primul pas catre biruinta este sa sti cine-ti este dusmanul.

Corrie Ten Boom

-first step toward triumph is knowing who`s your enemy-

the Bible 3

Biblia este ceasul vremii si al istoriei

Vasile Raut

-the Bible is age`s and history`s clock-

the Bible 2

Biblia are nevoie sa fie mai mult traita decat aparata.

-Bible needs to be lived more then protected-

Bible religion

Nici o stiinta nu este la fel de bine atestata ca religia Bibliei

Sir Isaac Newton

-no science is as good atested like the Bible religion-

the Bible 1

Biblia este singura carte al carei Autor este prezent cand o citesti

-the Bible is the only book of which Author is present when you read it-

the Bible

Biblia este ca un telescop: trebuie sa te uiti prin ea, nu la ea.

-the Bible is like a telescope: you have to look through it , not at it-

Bible book

Este o mare diferenta intre carti facute de oameni si CARTEA care face oameni.

-it`s a great difference between books made by people and the Book that maked people-

Bible study

Nimeni nu-si ia diploma in studiul Bibliei pana nu ajunge sa stea fata in fata cu Autorul ei.

-no one gets a degree in studying the Bible until he gets to meet the Author-

dignity & alcohol

Demnitatea nu poate fi conservata in alcool.

-dignity can`t be conserved in alcohol-

got old

Nu te plange ca ai ajuns la batranete. La multi li s-a refuzat acest privilegiu.

-don`t complain that you got old , many other didn`t get that privilege-

old youth

Un tanar batran va fi un batran tanar.

Benjamin Franklin

-an old youth will be a young elder-

know you are old

stii ca ai imbatranit cand lumanarile de pe tort costa mai mult decat tortul.

-you know that are old when the candles from the cake cost more then the cake-

youth and elders

Patruzeci este varsta batranetii pentru cei tineri,
cincizeci este varsta tineretii pentru cei batrani.

Victor Hugo

-forty is the youth elderness age , fifty is youth age for the elders-

heart`s age

varsta inimii nu are nimic de a face cu culoarea parului

-the heart`s age has nothing to do with the color of the hair-

old metal age

Cand imbatranesti intri in Epoca Metalelor:
dintii de aur, parul de argint si in picioare ai plumb.

-when you get old you enter in the Metal Age:
golden teeth , silver hair and lead legs-


batranetea incepe atunci cand crezi ca poti face toate lucrurile
ca si in tinerete, dar le lasi intotdeauna pe maine ...

-elderness begins when you think you can do all the things like in the youth , but you let them for tomorrow....-

others truth

Fiecaruia ii place sa auda adevarul. In special despre altii.

-everyone like to hear the truth. specialy about others-

gossip exercise

Conversatia este de obicei un exercitiu al mintii. Birfa, un exercitiu al limbii.

-conversation is a mind exercise. Gossip is a tang exercise-

gossip art

barfa este arta de-a nu spune nimic, astfel ca sa nu ramina nimic nespus.

-gossip is the art of saying nothing , so that nothing is left to be said-

ears and mouth

urechile nu sunt facute sa se inchida, dar gura, da.

-ears aren`t made to shut up , you mouth is-


fiecare om al istoriei a invatat trei lucruri: cum sa aculte, de cine sa asculte si cind sa asculte.

-every character from the history learnt 3 things : how to listen , who to listen and when to listen -

usual lie

cea mai obisnuita minciuna este aceea pe care ne-o spunem noua insine.

Friederich Nietzsche

-the most usual lie is that which we tell it ourselfs -

not true

nu e atit de important ceea ce nu stiu oamenii, cit este de important ceea ce stiu atit de bine si nu este adevarat.

Josh Billings

-is not that important what people don`t know , as much what they know so well and is not true-

truth makes

adevarul care ii face pe oameni liberi este in cea mai mare parte adevarul pe care oamenii n-ar vrea sa-l auda.

Herbert Agar

-the truth that makes people free is mostly the truth that people don`t want to hear it-

truth and lie

sunt unii oameni care nu pot spune adevarul. Unii care nu pot spune o minciuna si multi altii care nu pot face diferenta intre adevar si minciuna.

-there are some people that can`t tell the truth , some can`t say a lie and many others can`t make the difference between truth and lie-

half true

un adevar spus pe jumatate este o minciuna intreaga

-a truth said only by half is a whole lie-

truth suffer

mai bine sa suferi tu din pricina adevarului decit sa sufere el din pricina ta

-is better to suffer you becouse of the truth then he becouse of you-

wise men

daca toti oamenii ar fi intelepti si ar face binele, pamintul nostru ar fi un paradis, acuma el este adesea un infern.

Gh. Spulber

-if every men were wise and do only good , Earth would be a paradise , now he often is an inferno-

good`s treasure

sarmana faptura omeneasca, e capabila de toate relele, dar in ea se gaseste si comoara binelui

M. Sadoveanu

-poor human been , is capable of all evils , but in she lies the good`s treasure-

kind actions

binefacerile mici date la timp sunt foarte mari pentru cei ce le primesc


-little kind actions made on time are very big for thouse who get it-

do good

nu-i deajuns sa faci binele, trebuie sa-l faci si bine

D. Diderot

-it`s not enough to do good , you have to make it right-

honest man

omul cinstit nu face niciodata de buna voie ceva rau


-honest man never does something bad unforced-


timpul este destul de lung cine stie sa profite de el, cine munceste si cine gindeste ii extinde limita.


-time is long enough , who ever knows how to take advantage of it , who works and who thinks exceedes his bound-

read a man

daca stii sa citesti, fiecare om este o carte


-if you know how to read every man is a book-

measured by heart

dragostea este spatiul si timpul masurat cu inima

Marcel Proust

-love is the space and time measured by heart-


puterea izvoraste din capacitatea omului de a gindi

Rotaru Ion

-power is born from the human ability to think-


ce saraci sunt cei ce nu au rabdare

W. Shakespeare

-how poor are thouse who aren`t pacient-


-yesterday was the past, tomorrow will be the future,but to day is a gift, that’s why we call it PRESENT-

any thing

orice lucru are frumusetea lui , dar nu oricine o vede

P. Syrius

-any thing has his beauty , but not anyone can see it-

good days

orice zi este buna , daca nu atunci la ce bun sa ne mai trezim?


-any day is a good one , if not whats the worth to wake up-

Friday, January 5, 2007


cel mai mare pacat facut asupra fiintelor inconjuratoare nu este sa le urasti , ci sa fi indiferent fata de ele : aceasta este esenta inumanitatii

George Bernard Shaw

-the worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity-


nu vorbiti de afectiune zadarnica , afectiunea nu a fost niciodata zadarnica

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

-talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted.-


un vegetarian este o persoana care nu va manca nimic ce poate avea copii

David Brenner

-a vegetarian is a person who won't eat anything that can have children-

without friends

fara prieteni nimeni nu ar alege sa traiasca , desi ar avea toate celalalte


-without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods-


oamenii învaţă când să vorbească, dar marea arta este să ştii cum şi când să taci


-people are learning to talk , but it`s an art to know how and when to shut up-

great book

lumea e o carte mare , din care cei ce nu calatoresc citesc doar o pagina

St. Augustine

-the world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page-

God brings

daca Dumnezeu te duce aici , El te va trece si dincolo

-if God brings you to it, He can bring you through it-


felul cum întrebuinţăm timpul liber ne trădează caracterul


-the way we spare our free time betrades out character-

soldier or lover

Bătrânului nu-i şade bine nici soldat, nici amorezat. Acestea sunt atributele tinereţii


-an elder shoudn`t be neither soldier or lover , these belong to youth-


Ce osteneală este aceea de a săpa o fântână când arde casa?


-what effort is the digging a fountain when your house is on fire-

youth effort

strădania tinereţii este odihna bătrâneţii


-the youth effort is the elder rest-

fitting time

nu timpul ţi se potriveşte ţie, ci tu potriveşte-te timpului


-not time is fitting you , you are fitting to the time-

knowing mistakes

cunoaşterea greşelilor e începutul salvării


-knowing the mistakes is the begining of the salvation-


exceptia ce confirma regula

-the exception that confirms the rule-

("Exceptio confirmat regulam ")

i exist

ma indoiesc deci cuget , cuget deci exist

-i doubt so i`m thinking , i think so i exist-

("Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum")

carpe diem

Traieste clipa


-live the moment-

("Carpe diem")

middle was

Aurita e calea de mijloc


-the middle way it`s golded-

("Aurea mediocritas")

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

bambus scion

dacă mlădiţa de bambus n-a fost folosită când era tânără, la ce mai poate servi acum când a îmbătrânit?


-if the bambus scion wasn`t used when it was young , for what is usefull now when it is old-


uitarea nu te scapă de păcate

Seyfoddin Mohammad Ferghani

-forgetting will not save you from sins-

world wars

nu stiu cu ce arme se va lupta in al III lea razboi mondial , dar in al IV lea razboi mondial se vor bate cu bete si pietre

-i know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones-

math laws

atata timp cat legile matematicii se refera la realitate , ele nu sunt perfecte , atata timp cat ele sunt perfecte , nu se refera la realitate

-as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.-

great spirits

marile spirite au intampinat adesea opozitie violenta din partea mintilor mai slabe

-great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.-

world mystery

eternul mister al lumii este claritatea ei

-the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility-


nu ma gandesc niciodata la viitor. Vine destul de repede

-i never think of the future. It comes soon enough.-


realitatea este doar o iluzie , desi foarte persistenta

-reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one-

income tax

cel mai dificil lucru de inteles de pe pamant este taxa pe venit

-the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax-


imaginatia e mai importanta decat cunoasterea

-imagination is more important than knowledge-


secretul creativitatii este sa stii cum sa iti ascunzi sursele

-the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources-

cold blood

sânge rece nu înseamnă inima rece

-cold blood means not a cold heart-

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

best teachers

dragostea si nevoia sunt dascăli cei mai buni


-love and need are the best teachers-


statornicia fara sinceritate nu exista

-steadiness without sincerity is imposible-

anger jump

cei care sar in sus la manie aterizează totdeauna greşit

-thouse who jump up at anger always land bad-


castigul îl face pe om harnic, economiile pregătit, dărnicia binecuvântat

-gain makes men hardworking , savings prepared , generousity blessed-


filozoful este un om care neincetat traieste , vede , aude , banuieste , spera si viseaza lucruri extraordinare


-the philosopher is a man that non-stop lives , sees , hears , presumes , hopes and dreams extraordinary things-


prieten = un suflet ce locuieşte in doua corpuri

-friend = soul that lives in two bodies-


iubirea lasă in noi ceva ce nu poate fi scos sau înlocuit

-love leaves behind in us something unreplaceable or untouchable-

reward love

numai dragostea poate răsplăti dragostea

-only love can reward love-

spend time

nu-ti cheltui timpul pur si simplu investeşte-l

-don`t spend your time , invest it -


marile încercări preceda adesea marile victorii

-greatests attempts precede greatests victorys -

road to you

drumul spre tine însuti trece prin ceilalţi

-the road to you goes through others-


naivitate: sa crezi ca oamenii te apreciaza pentru ceea ce esti, nu pentru ceea ce pari a fi

-naivety: to belive that men are appreciating you for what you are instead of what you seem to be-

first impression

cei ce refuza sa-i evalueze pe ceilalti dupa prima impresie nu au incredere in ei insisi, nu in ceilalti

-thouse who refuse to estimate others by the first impression don`t trust them selfs , not the others-


a iubi inseamna a invata sa iubesti
-loving means to learn how to love-

profession of human

fa-te stapan pe meseria de OM!

-become a master in the profession of HUMAN-


munceste nu numai pentru a-ti castiga existenta, ci si pentru a ti-o justifica

- work not for making a living , but to justify it -

human pride

nu jigni pe nimeni: gandeste-te cat de mica e lumea si cat de mare orgoliul omului

-don`t offend no one: think about how small is the world and how big is the human pride-


Exista un singur mod de a scapa de problemele care te framanta: rezolvandu-le

-there is one way to get rid of the bothering problems: resolve them -

others approval

cautam aprobarea celorlalti chiar si atunci cand dispretuim parerea lor

-we need the others approval even when we despite their opinion -

true life story

adevarata poveste a unei vieti nu se gaseste in ce a facut,ci in ceea ce a vrut sa faca

Thomas Hardy

-true life story doesn`t lie in what he accomplish , but in what he intented to do-

delegate authority

inconjoarate cu cei mai buni oameni pe care ii poti gasii , delega autoritatea si nu intervenii

Ronald Regan

-surround yourself with the best people you can find , delegate authority and don`t interfere -

Monday, January 1, 2007

preconceived ideas

suntem mai increzatori in prejudecatile noastre decat in experienta imediata

-we more confident in our preconceived ideas than in our immediate experience-


mai grava decat greseala este nerecunoasterea ei

-worse than the mistake is not admiting it-

foollish action

constientizarea riscului diferentiaza curajul de nesabuinta

-realizing the danger makes the difference between courage and foollis action-


maturitatea nu ti-o dau anii, ci experientele cruciale prin care ai trecut

-maturity is not given by the age but the crucial experience you pass through-


"te rog lasa-ma sa te ajut sau o sa te ineci" spuse maimuta punand pestisorul incet intr-un copac

Allan Watts

-"kindly let me help you or you will drown" said the monkey , putting the fish safely up in a tree-

estimate people

evaluam oamenii pe masura intereselor pe care le avem

-we estimate people according to our interest-


eu nu caut, eu gasesc

Pablo Picasso

-i don`t look , i find-

love more

exista un singur remediu pentru dragoste:a iubi mai mult

Henry David Thoreau

-the is no best cure for love then to love more-


tristetea pura este la fel de imposibila ca bucuria pura

Lev Tolstoi

-pure sadness is imposible as much as pure happyness is-

love like fire

dragostea este ca focul,daca nu este alimentata,se stinge

Mihail Lermontov

-love is like fire , if you don`t feed it , it will extinguish-

defeat yourself

daca vrei sa invingi lumea toata , invinge-te pe tine insuti

Fyodor Dostoevski

-if you want to defeat the world , first defeat yourself-


frumusetea lucrurilor exista in sufletul celui care le admira

David Hume

-the beauty of things lies in the soul of the admirer-

heart illness

o adevărată căinţă este cea mai bună doctorie contra bolilor sufletului

Miguel de Cervantes

-a real penitence is the best cure to the heart illness-


mulţi oameni cred că mărturisirea defectelor lor îi scuteşte de obligaţia de a le îndrepta

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

-many people belive that confesing their imperfections will save them from improving-

admit mistakes

prin recunoaşterea greşelii, spiritele bărbăteşti se înalţă şi se întăresc


-by admiting their mistakes , resolute spirits become stronger and better-

own critics

oamenii de seamă sunt totdeauna proprii lor critici


-remarcable people are always their own critics-

perm enemy

o conştiinţă încărcată este un duşman permanent


-a guilty conscience is a permanent enemy-


există o sancţiune pentru bine şi pentru rău, dacă întârzie să apară, înseamnă că nu a sosit încă ora


-there is a sanction for good or evil , if it`s late that means it`s not its time yet-


Conştiinţa valorează cât o mie de martori


-conscience worths more than 1000 witness-